Our Statement on Gov.-elect Maura Healey’s cabinet announcements

For Immediate Release 
December 20, 2022

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Hoffer, Tutwiler, and Goldberg: Work together to include schools in Massachusetts' fight against climate change

BOSTON, MA — UndauntedK12, a national nonprofit supporting climate action for America's K-12 public schools, reacted to Governor-elect Maura Healey's recent cabinet appointments: 

“Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Tutwiler for being named Massachusetts’ Secretary of Education and to Melissa Hoffer for being named Massachusetts’ — and the nation’s — first-ever Climate Chief. Schools play a vital role in mitigating the climate crisis and improving community climate resilience. 

Massachusetts leads the nation in education. If it wants to become a global hub for climate tech, too, state agencies and representatives must align public infrastructure with that ambition — beginning with the roughly 180 million square feet of building space Massachusetts schools occupy. With that end in mind, we encourage Ms. Hoffer to work closely with Dr. Tutwiler and Treasurer Deb Goldberg to ensure the state invests in a rapid and equitable transition to climate-ready schools.

About UndauntedK12

UndauntedK12, is a national nonprofit with a mission to support America's K-12 public schools to make an equitable transition to zero carbon emissions while preparing our youth to build a sustainable future in a rapidly changing climate. Follow us on Twitter!



An Example Of Resident Advocacy To School & Municipal Leaders On Climate


Schools are Electrifying!