Extending the IRA Roadshow to the Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials (WASBO)

Thanks to our friends at The Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials (WASBO), UndauntedK12 had the chance to spread the good news about the IRA’s new unlimited federal funds to close to 100 different education leaders from across the state of Wisconsin who serve on the business side of school operations.

Our WASBO Roadshow started at the WASBO Facilities Conference in February where we presented with our partner, Hoffman Planning, Design & Construction who highlighted specific projects from across the state. Check out our presentation here including current examples of districts who are leveraging the ITC for new geothermal and solar installations.

In March we traveled to the WASBO Accounting Conference where we did a deep dive on the tax credits with our partner, Baker Tilly. Again, our session highlighted the economics of the tax credits utilizing data from local Wisconsin projects, sharing both how the tax credits can make clean energy the most affordable option to install and the lowest cost to operate overtime.

We love these sessions as they allow us to connect directly with school leaders who are navigating these key financial decisions on a daily basis.

Our conversations during and after each session help us understand how education leaders will integrate this opportunity into their work and what challenges they are thinking through. During this time we learned about new projects in Menasha and Waunakee where shovels are in the ground and financial leaders are actively pursuing the tax credits. 

Thanks to Henry Hundt from Hoffman Planning, Design & Construction and Dave Erdman from Baker Tilly for co-presenting with us, and to Mike Barry and the wonderful team at WASBO for hosting us.


OpEd: Clean Energy Plan a Historic Opportunity for Schools


The Inflation Reduction Act and Schools Roadshow Comes to Wisconsin!