Meet the Schools Leading on the Inflation Reduction Act

Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, clean energy is increasingly irresistible. And with clean energy comes the opportunity for our schools to be healthier, more resilient, and more efficient to operate.

Check out which school districts are taking advantage of this opportunity.

What is included in our data?

The Inflation Reduction Act provides districts with access to unlimited, noncompetitive tax credits that defray the cost of installing clean energy technologies. Through Elective Pay, schools receive those tax credits as a cash reimbursement.

Our map contains projects that meet eligibility criteria for Elective Pay.

We include projects at public schools that incorporate eligible clean energy technologies and will be placed into service on or after January 1, 2023. Projects may be in the early planning stages or may already be completed.

Thank you to our district, nonprofit, and private sector partners across the nation for support and collaboration in developing these resources.

What are the limitations of this data?

Project Status: We don’t have access to real-time information. Construction projects are a moving target and plans may have changed. The most up-to-date information about any project in this database will come from direct contact with district leaders.

Credit Amount: We have not included data detailing the amount of tax credits. Most districts do not yet have reliable estimates. We will add this data as it becomes available.

Disqualifying Conditions: Some projects in this dataset - for example, those that received restricted grants for 100% of the project cost - will not be able to claim the credit. We remove these projects when we learn that these disqualifying conditions apply.

Have question or information on a project?

This map will be updated regularly with status updates and new information on each project. If you have information to share about existing projects, please email us.

Don’t see your district’s clean energy project in our database? Fill out this form to submit your project(s).

To learn more about IRA opportunities for schools, check out our online resource hub.

UndauntedK12 is excited to share a Fact Sheet highlighting five school districts across the country that are taking advantage of these new non-competitive, uncapped federal funds.

District Spotlight:

Maplewood Middle School, Menasha, WI

Menasha Joint School District is leveraging Elective Pay to reduce the price tag on a new net-zero intermediate/middle school. While the project always planned to include a ground-source heat pump system, solar panels and energy storage were added to the project once the opportunity to capture valuable tax credits became clear. The district is working with SMART Local 18 on the heat pump portion of the project and will meet the Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship provisions of the IRA. The district anticipates receiving $3.8 million in tax credits.

The district is very excited and thankful of the IRA funding that was made available to public and nonprofit entities via a direct payment. The IRA funding is having an impact on the current construction project as well as future projects. The community will also save on operational costs well into the future with a net-zero building.
— Brian Adesso, Director of Business Services, Menasha Joint School District

Want to see your district highlighted? Fill out this form!