Our ‘24 Agenda for Climate Ready California Schools

Along with our partners in the Climate Ready Schools Coalition, we are working to advance healthy, sustainable, climate-resilient schools across California in the current legislative session. This year, we have four bills moving through the California legislature, and we are working with partners to ensure a school infrastructure bond bill that acknowledges our climate imperative is put to voters on the November 2024 ballot.


We are focusing on four important bills this session, and there is an opportunity for each of you to add your name to demonstrate the broad support across the state for these initiatives.

#1 Amendment proposal for the upcoming School Bond to support climate adaptation and decarbonization (AB 247)

We’ve been working with school bond advocates and authors to put together a Climate Ready School Bond Amendment Proposal, which includes incentives for clean energy technologies, incentives for leveraging federal funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, and reminders of eligible projects to promote climate mitigation and adaptation across districts.


#2 - SB 1182 (Gonzalez): The Climate Resilient Schools Act of 2024 (Fact Sheet)

SB 1182, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Lena Gonzalez, would require the California Energy Commission (CEC) to develop a statewide master plan for healthy, sustainable, and climate resilient schools, building on SB 394 that Senator Gonzalez sponsored last year. It’s already made it through its first committee!


#3 - SB 1374 (Becker): Reinstating financial incentives for schools to install solar (Fact Sheet)

Back in November, members of the Climate Ready Schools Coalition opposed a decision that the California Public Utilities Commission made to terminate the benefits of installing solar panels and energy storage at multimeter properties, including schools. SB 1374 will restore the financial incentives for solar at schools and ensure multimeter properties can consume the energy they produce.


#4 - SB 1091 (Menjivar): Removing barriers for schoolyard greening projects (Fact Sheet)

Nature-based solutions at schools like trees, gardens, and fields are critically important for climate resilience and student wellbeing. SB 1091, introduced by Senator Caroline Menjivar, will remove regulatory barriers that prevent many schools from undertaking schoolyard greening projects and will lead to more of these projects across the state.


#5 - AB 691 (Ting): Extending and improving the CalSHAPE Program

AB 691 seeks to extend the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency (CalSHAPE) Ventilation Program, which funds work to improve indoor air quality and energy efficiency in schools with and without HVAC. This legislation extends the program through 2030, revises the definition of a “noncompliant appliance” to include a commercial propane, natural gas, or oil water heater, and would allow the CEC to move unspent funds from the plumbing program for use towards the HVAC program.


A new partnership with the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence


UndauntedK12 Accepts 2024 “Best of Green Schools” Award on Behalf of the California Climate Ready Schools Coalition