Spread The Word: Let’s Electrify!

Actionable information and resources for Massachusetts school districts and advocates regarding new federal and utility incentives that make all-electric HVAC systems more affordable.

HVAC systems are critical to supporting student health and safety. The decades-old systems still operating in so many of our schools are not up to the job of protecting our children from the threat of airborne illness, the reality of extreme heat, or the air pollution that places a disproportionate burden on our environmental justice communities. In fact, the overwhelming majority of schools in Massachusetts still burn oil or fossil gas to provide heat. Schools shouldn’t be polluters.

This two-page brief can be used by advocates to inform Superintendents, school board members and facility directors about: a) what ground source heat pumps are; b) their benefits;  and c) a series of recent incentives that will make these HVAC systems far more affordable. 

We encourage you to send an email to your superintendent, school board member, facility director, etc. The sample email below can be used as a template:

The information for the tool we have provided was summarized from “HVAC Choices for Student Health and Learning: What Policymakers, School Leaders, and Advocates Need to Know” a report by UndauntedK12 and RMI that will be published early in 2023. Sign up below to be one of the first to receive the report!



Engaging District Leaders on Extreme Heat


UndauntedK12 on the Draft 2050 Clean Energy and Climate Plan