Undaunted California

5,837,690 students

9,997 schools

$10+ billion spent annually on buildings and infrastructure

California has ambitious, statewide climate goals. But without a clear vision, leadership, and support, districts risk making scattered, poor investments with current and future resources for school infrastructure.

We're developing and supporting leaders to drive climate action and policy that advances climate-resilient school infrastructure, supporting district leaders in adapting and preparing for extreme weather, and supporting youth leaders across the state.

Our Work in California

Latest Updates

The fight to keep solar at schools affordable
Jonathan Klein Jonathan Klein

The fight to keep solar at schools affordable

California’s Public Utility Commission (CPUC), is considering changes to the way solar is aggregated on sites like schools, farms, and multifamily housing. These changes would reduce the cost savings of solar by 75%, and we are actively fighting their adoption.

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SB394 unanimously passes the Senate!
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SB394 unanimously passes the Senate!

SB 394 (Gonzalez) passed out of the California State Senate in a bipartisan, unanimous 39-0 vote and is now headed to the Assembly for consideration.

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Climate-Resilient California Schools:  A Call to Action
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Climate-Resilient California Schools: A Call to Action

Amid fires, wildfire smoke, extreme heat, and other climate-driven disasters and health hazards, California’s leading experts in children’s health and education have come together to call for a cost-effective, ten year $150 billion investment to ensure K-12 public schools can remain open and provide safe and healthy places for California's children to learn and grow.

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We support CEC’s proposal to align CalSHAPE funding for HVAC replacement with state goals for carbon-neutrality and student health.
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We support CEC’s proposal to align CalSHAPE funding for HVAC replacement with state goals for carbon-neutrality and student health.

We support the proposal that the CalSHAPE HVAC Upgrade and Repair Grants be used for only the installation of zero emission equipment and prioritize funding for schools in underserved and environmental justice communities, near busy roadways, and in communities with poor air quality. In addition, we emphasize our strong agreement with proposal Option 1 which would make HVAC system replacements with gas equipment ineligible for the grant award.

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Climate Ready Schools: Our Letter to Governor Newsom
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Climate Ready Schools: Our Letter to Governor Newsom

We’ve joined with a statewide coalition to write a letter asking Gov. Newsom to ensure that school infrastructure investments are cost-effective and aligned with California’s climate and equity goals, and to coordinate state, county, and local actions to safeguard children’s health and learning.

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UndauntedK12 at the Green California Schools Summit
Jonathan Klein Jonathan Klein

UndauntedK12 at the Green California Schools Summit

Our presentation at the Green California Schools Summit previewed the upcoming “Climate-Resilient California Schools: A Call to Action” report and how it can be utilized to advance state policy to support climate ready school infrastructure.

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Is your school board climate-ready?
Jack Holzman Jack Holzman

Is your school board climate-ready?

We worked with student leaders to develop a Climate-Ready School Board Toolkit with resources for youth and adult advocates in California to engage with school board candidates in their communities on questions of climate change and school infrastructure readiness.

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Clean and Healthy Schools are Electric: Our Report with Rewiring America
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Clean and Healthy Schools are Electric: Our Report with Rewiring America

In “Clean and Healthy Schools are Electric: Aligning California’s School Infrastructure Investments with our Climate and Health Goals,” our new report with Rewiring America and UC Santa Barbara, we make the case for upgrading to all-electric HVAC systems with advanced filtration. This transition can deliver enormous educational and health benefits to California’s students and school staff, all while cutting operating costs.

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California needs a plan for climate-resilient schools
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California needs a plan for climate-resilient schools

Extraordinary times also call for extraordinary vision. The development of a statewide Master Plan for Climate Resilient Schools — supported by technical assistance to districts and schools — will ensure that future school infrastructure investment is cost-effective and aligned with California’s climate commitments, Climate Adaptation Strategy, and Extreme Heat Action Plan.

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