Championing a Revolving Loan Fund and Technical Assistance Program

Read our letter about how California’s Green Bank can support schools.

In response to a Request for Information issued by the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank and the State Treasurer’s Office, UndauntedK12 joined California Labor for Climate Jobs, a statewide coalition of labor unions advocating for a worker-led transition to a just and climate safe economy, in a program proposal.

The Healthy, Safe, and Climate-Resilient Schools Revolving Fund and Technical Assistance Program would scale CA’s schools decarbonization efforts while simultaneously creating healthy and climate-resilient school sites for students and high road jobs for workers—jobs that pay family supporting wages, offer high-quality services and products, and engage workers and their representatives to build skills and remain competitive as markets change and grow. The RFI requested ideas for new financial programs the state Green Bank should consider to help them meet their goals of zero-emissions buildings, zero-emissions transportation, and energy generation and storage.

Our letter details suggestions for state programs for schools such as bridge financing, zero-interest revolving loan funds, grants for low-income districts, and grants for technical assistance to support schools in transitioning to decarbonized infrastructure.


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