Earth Day is a time for all of us to renew our commitment to climate action. In 2023, we shared 23 levers for K-12 climate action, organized into three areas: governance and leadership; buildings and grounds; and teaching and learning. These levers are still relevant, important, and necessary!

This year we want to emphasize a critical lever for change, the Inflation Reduction Act’s Elective Pay which opens to door for schools to access unlimited, noncompetitive dollars to transition to clean energy technologies.

Over the last year, more exciting work has taken shape and with the right tools, mindsets and partners, districts and schools across the nation will continue to make headway during the rest of 2024. Scroll through this quick reference to discover a building block that’s within reach in your state or district!

For each item, we provide a brief description, inspiring examples, and key resources that can help you on your way.